@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class Deployer:
dir_release, dir_webroot = None, None
connections, success, errors = {}, {}, {}
- release_version_tar, release_version = None, None
+ release_version_tar, previous_release_version, release_version = None, None, None
local = None
def __init__(self, task_id=None, project_id=None, console=False):
@@ -82,9 +82,14 @@ class Deployer:
# start to deploy
self.console = console
- def config(self):
- return {'task_id': self.task_id, 'user_id': self.user_id, 'stage': self.stage, 'sequence': self.sequence,
- 'console': self.console}
+ def config(self, console=None):
+ return {
+ 'task_id': self.task_id,
+ 'user_id': self.user_id,
+ 'stage': self.stage,
+ 'sequence': self.sequence,
+ 'console': console if console is not None else self.console
+ }
def start(self):
@@ -109,22 +114,9 @@ class Deployer:
self.stage = self.stage_prev_deploy
self.sequence = 1
- # 检查 python 版本
- command = 'python --version'
- result = self.localhost.local(command, wenv=self.config())
- # 检查 git 版本
- command = 'git --version'
- result = self.localhost.local(command, wenv=self.config())
# 检查 目录是否存在
- # self.init_repo() 函数中已经操作了
- # TODO to be removed
- # command = 'mkdir -p %s' % (self.dir_codebase_project)
- # result = self.localhost.local(command, wenv=self.config())
# 用户自定义命令
command = self.project_info['prev_deploy']
if command:
@@ -210,13 +202,6 @@ class Deployer:
command = 'mkdir -p %s' % (self.project_info['target_releases'])
result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
- # 用户自定义命令
- command = self.project_info['prev_release']
- if command:
- current_app.logger.info(command)
- with waller.cd(self.project_info['target_releases']):
- result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
# TODO md5
# 传送到版本库 release
result = waller.put(self.local_codebase + self.release_version_tar,
@@ -226,6 +211,19 @@ class Deployer:
# 解压
+ # 用户自定义命令
+ self.prev_release_custom(waller)
+ def prev_release_custom(self, waller):
+ # 用户自定义命令
+ command = self.project_info['prev_release']
+ if command:
+ current_app.logger.info(command)
+ # TODO
+ target_release_version = "%s/%s" % (self.project_info['target_releases'], self.release_version)
+ with waller.cd(target_release_version):
+ result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
def release(self, waller):
@@ -238,6 +236,39 @@ class Deployer:
self.sequence = 5
with waller.cd(self.project_info['target_releases']):
+ # 0. get previous link
+ command = '[ -L %s ] && readlink %s || echo ""' % (self.project_info['target_root'], self.project_info['target_root'])
+ result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config(console=False))
+ self.previous_release_version = os.path.basename(result.stdout).strip()
+ # 1. create a tmp link dir
+ current_link_tmp_dir = '%s/current-tmp-%s' % (self.project_info['target_releases'], self.task_id)
+ command = 'ln -sfn %s/%s %s' % (
+ self.project_info['target_releases'], self.release_version, current_link_tmp_dir)
+ result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
+ # 2. make a soft link from release to tmp link
+ # 3. move tmp link to webroot
+ current_link_tmp_dir = '%s/current-tmp-%s' % (self.project_info['target_releases'], self.task_id)
+ command = 'mv -fT %s %s' % (current_link_tmp_dir, self.project_info['target_root'])
+ result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
+ def rollback(self, waller):
+ '''
+ 5.部署代码到目标机器做的任务
+ - 恢复旧版本
+ :return:
+ '''
+ self.stage = self.stage_release
+ self.sequence = 5
+ with waller.cd(self.project_info['target_releases']):
+ # 0. get previous link
+ command = '[ -L %s ] && readlink %s || echo ""' % (self.project_info['target_root'], self.project_info['target_root'])
+ result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config(console=False))
+ self.previous_release_version = os.path.basename(result.stdout)
# 1. create a tmp link dir
current_link_tmp_dir = '%s/current-tmp-%s' % (self.project_info['target_releases'], self.task_id)
command = 'ln -sfn %s/%s %s' % (
@@ -272,12 +303,10 @@ class Deployer:
# 用户自定义命令
command = self.project_info['post_release']
- if not command:
- return None
- current_app.logger.info(command)
- with waller.cd(self.project_info['target_root']):
- result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
+ if command:
+ current_app.logger.info(command)
+ with waller.cd(self.project_info['target_root']):
+ result = waller.run(command, wenv=self.config())
# 个性化,用户重启的不一定是NGINX,可能是tomcat, apache, php-fpm等
# self.post_release_service(waller)
@@ -295,19 +324,6 @@ class Deployer:
def project_detection(self):
errors = []
- # walle user => walle LOCAL_SERVER_USER
- # show ssh_rsa.pub (maybe not necessary)
- # command = 'whoami'
- # current_app.logger.info(command)
- # result = self.localhost.local(command, exception=False, wenv=self.config())
- # if result.failed:
- # errors.append({
- # 'title': u'本地免密码登录失败',
- # 'why': result.stdout,
- # 'how': u'在宿主机中配置免密码登录,把walle启动用户%s的~/.ssh/ssh_rsa.pub添加到LOCAL_SERVER_USER用户%s的~/.ssh/authorized_keys。了解更多:http://walle-web.io/docs/troubleshooting.html' % (
- # pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0], current_app.config.get('LOCAL_SERVER_USER')),
- # })
# LOCAL_SERVER_USER => target_servers
@@ -316,9 +332,9 @@ class Deployer:
result = waller.run('id', exception=False, wenv=self.config())
if result.failed:
- 'title': u'远程目标机器免密码登录失败',
- 'why': u'远程目标机器:%s 错误:%s' % (server_info['host'], result.stdout),
- 'how': u'在宿主机中配置免密码登录,把宿主机用户%s的~/.ssh/ssh_rsa.pub添加到远程目标机器用户%s的~/.ssh/authorized_keys。了解更多:http://walle-web.io/docs/troubleshooting.html' % (
+ 'title': '远程目标机器免密码登录失败',
+ 'why': '远程目标机器:%s 错误:%s' % (server_info['host'], result.stdout),
+ 'how': '在宿主机中配置免密码登录,把宿主机用户%s的~/.ssh/ssh_rsa.pub添加到远程目标机器用户%s的~/.ssh/authorized_keys。了解更多:http://walle-web.io/docs/troubleshooting.html' % (
pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0], server_info['host']),
@@ -327,9 +343,9 @@ class Deployer:
result = waller.run(command, exception=False, wenv=self.config())
if result.stdout == 'false':
- 'title': u'远程目标机器webroot不能是已建好的目录',
- 'why': u'远程目标机器%s webroot不能是已存在的目录,必须为软链接,你不必新建,walle会自行创建。' % (server_info['host']),
- 'how': u'手工删除远程目标机器:%s webroot目录:%s' % (server_info['host'], self.project_info['target_root']),
+ 'title': '远程目标机器webroot不能是已建好的目录',
+ 'why': '远程目标机器%s webroot不能是已存在的目录,必须为软链接,你不必新建,walle会自行创建。' % (server_info['host']),
+ 'how': '手工删除远程目标机器:%s webroot目录:%s' % (server_info['host'], self.project_info['target_root']),
# remote release directory
@@ -411,8 +427,6 @@ class Deployer:
if not os.path.exists(self.dir_codebase_project):
# 检查 目录是否存在
command = 'mkdir -p %s' % (self.dir_codebase_project)
- # TODO remove
- current_app.logger.info(command)
self.localhost.local(command, wenv=self.config())
with self.localhost.cd(self.dir_codebase_project):
@@ -438,7 +452,11 @@ class Deployer:
if update_status:
status = TaskModel.status_success if success else TaskModel.status_fail
current_app.logger.info('success:%s, status:%s' % (success, status))
- TaskModel().get_by_id(self.task_id).update({'status': status})
+ TaskModel().get_by_id(self.task_id).update({
+ 'status': status,
+ 'link_id': self.release_version,
+ 'ex_link_id': self.previous_release_version,
+ })
notice_info = {
'title': '',
@@ -475,10 +493,50 @@ class Deployer:
+ RecordModel().save_record(stage=RecordModel.stage_end, sequence=0, user_id=current_user.id,
+ task_id=self.task_id, status=RecordModel.status_success, host=host,
+ user=server_info['user'], command='')
+ emit('success', {'event': 'finish', 'data': {'host': host, 'message': host + ' 部署完成!'}}, room=self.task_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ is_all_servers_success = False
+ current_app.logger.error(e)
+ self.errors[host] = e.message
+ RecordModel().save_record(stage=RecordModel.stage_end, sequence=0, user_id=current_user.id,
+ task_id=self.task_id, status=RecordModel.status_fail, host=host,
+ user=server_info['user'], command='')
+ emit('fail', {'event': 'finish', 'data': {'host': host, 'message': host + Code.code_msg[Code.deploy_fail]}}, room=self.task_id)
+ self.end(is_all_servers_success)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.end(False)
+ return {'success': self.success, 'errors': self.errors}
+ def walle_rollback(self):
+ self.start()
+ try:
+ is_all_servers_success = True
+ self.release_version = self.taskMdl.get('link_id')
+ for server_info in self.servers:
+ host = server_info['host']
+ try:
+ self.connections[host] = Waller(host=host, user=server_info['user'], port=server_info['port'])
+ self.prev_release_custom(self.connections[host])
+ self.release(self.connections[host])
+ self.post_release(self.connections[host])
+ RecordModel().save_record(stage=RecordModel.stage_end, sequence=0, user_id=current_user.id,
+ task_id=self.task_id, status=RecordModel.status_success, host=host,
+ user=server_info['user'], command='')
+ emit('success', {'event': 'finish', 'data': {'host': host, 'message': host + ' 部署完成!'}}, room=self.task_id)
except Exception as e:
is_all_servers_success = False
self.errors[host] = e.message
+ RecordModel().save_record(stage=RecordModel.stage_end, sequence=0, user_id=current_user.id,
+ task_id=self.task_id, status=RecordModel.status_fail, host=host,
+ user=server_info['user'], command='')
+ emit('fail', {'event': 'finish', 'data': {'host': host, 'message': host + Code.code_msg[Code.deploy_fail]}}, room=self.task_id)
except Exception as e: