updateAccessTokenBefore) {}
* Gets access token.
* @return the access token
String getAccessToken();
// region 稳定版access token
boolean isStableAccessToken();
void useStableAccessToken(boolean useStableAccessToken);
// endregion
* Gets access token lock.
* @return the access token lock
Lock getAccessTokenLock();
* Is access token expired boolean.
* @return the boolean
boolean isAccessTokenExpired();
/** 强制将access token过期掉 */
void expireAccessToken();
* 应该是线程安全的
* @param accessToken 要更新的WxAccessToken对象
default void updateAccessToken(WxAccessToken accessToken) {
updateAccessToken(accessToken.getAccessToken(), accessToken.getExpiresIn());
* 应该是线程安全的
* @param accessToken 新的accessToken值
* @param expiresInSeconds 过期时间,以秒为单位
void updateAccessToken(String accessToken, int expiresInSeconds);
default void updateAccessTokenProcessor(String accessToken, int expiresInSeconds) {
WxAccessTokenEntity wxAccessTokenEntity = new WxAccessTokenEntity();
updateAccessToken(accessToken, expiresInSeconds);
default void updateAccessTokenBefore(WxAccessTokenEntity wxAccessTokenEntity) {}
* Gets jsapi ticket.
* @return the jsapi ticket
String getJsapiTicket();
* Gets jsapi ticket lock.
* @return the jsapi ticket lock
Lock getJsapiTicketLock();
* Is jsapi ticket expired boolean.
* @return the boolean
boolean isJsapiTicketExpired();
/** 强制将jsapi ticket过期掉 */
void expireJsapiTicket();
* 应该是线程安全的
* @param jsapiTicket 新的jsapi ticket值
* @param expiresInSeconds 过期时间,以秒为单位
void updateJsapiTicket(String jsapiTicket, int expiresInSeconds);
* 卡券api_ticket.
* @return the card api ticket
String getCardApiTicket();
* Gets card api ticket lock.
* @return the card api ticket lock
Lock getCardApiTicketLock();
* Is card api ticket expired boolean.
* @return the boolean
boolean isCardApiTicketExpired();
/** 强制将卡券api ticket过期掉. */
void expireCardApiTicket();
* 应该是线程安全的.
* @param apiTicket 新的卡券api ticket值
* @param expiresInSeconds 过期时间,以秒为单位
void updateCardApiTicket(String apiTicket, int expiresInSeconds);
* Gets appid.
* @return the appid
String getAppid();
* Gets secret.
* @return the secret
String getSecret();
* Gets token.
* @return the token
String getToken();
* Gets aes key.
* @return the aes key
String getAesKey();
* Gets original id.
* @return the original id
String getOriginalId();
* Gets cloud env.
* @return the cloud env
String getCloudEnv();
* Gets msg data format.
* @return the msg data format
String getMsgDataFormat();
* Gets expires time.
* @return the expires time
long getExpiresTime();
* Gets http proxy host.
* @return the http proxy host
String getHttpProxyHost();
* Gets http proxy port.
* @return the http proxy port
int getHttpProxyPort();
* Gets http proxy username.
* @return the http proxy username
String getHttpProxyUsername();
* Gets http proxy password.
* @return the http proxy password
String getHttpProxyPassword();
* http 请求重试间隔
* {@link cn.binarywang.wx.miniapp.api.impl.BaseWxMaServiceImpl#setRetrySleepMillis(int)}
int getRetrySleepMillis();
* http 请求最大重试次数
* {@link cn.binarywang.wx.miniapp.api.impl.BaseWxMaServiceImpl#setMaxRetryTimes(int)}
int getMaxRetryTimes();
* http client builder
* @return ApacheHttpClientBuilder apache http client builder
ApacheHttpClientBuilder getApacheHttpClientBuilder();
* 是否自动刷新token
* @return the boolean
boolean autoRefreshToken();
* 设置自定义的apiHost地址
* 具体取值,可以参考https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Basic_Information/Interface_field_description.html
* @param apiHostUrl api域名地址
void setApiHostUrl(String apiHostUrl);
* 获取自定义的apiHost地址,用于替换原请求中的https://api.weixin.qq.com
* 具体取值,可以参考https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Basic_Information/Interface_field_description.html
* @return 自定义的api域名地址
String getApiHostUrl();
* 获取自定义的获取accessToken地址,用于向自定义统一服务获取accessToken
* @return 自定义的获取accessToken地址
String getAccessTokenUrl();
* 设置自定义的获取accessToken地址 可用于设置获取accessToken的自定义服务
* @param accessTokenUrl 自定义的获取accessToken地址
void setAccessTokenUrl(String accessTokenUrl);
* 服务端API签名用到的RSA私钥【pkcs8格式,会以 -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----开头, 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE
* KEY'的是pkcs1格式,需要转换(可用openssl转换)。 设置参考:
* https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/OpenApiDoc/getting_started/api_signature.html
* @return rsa private key string
String getApiSignatureRsaPrivateKey();
* 服务端API签名用到的AES密钥
* https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/OpenApiDoc/getting_started/api_signature.html
* @return aes key string
String getApiSignatureAesKey();
/** 密钥对应的序号 */
String getApiSignatureAesKeySn();
/** 密钥对应的序号 */
String getApiSignatureRsaPrivateKeySn();
/** 密钥对应的小程序ID (普通小程序同 appId, 托管第三方平台的是 componentAppId) */
String getWechatMpAppid();